As will likely be they case with most assignments, I did not feel I had enough time to fully explore Walter's visual characteristics through drawings. This is merely because, like everyone else, these very fun class projects are being done in what little free time we all have. I spent a couple of hours (two semi-long work lunches) doing exploration sketches. I settled on a set of sketches that I felt were getting close, and in the interest of time took them in to Photoshop to complete a color image for the assignment.
The final color drawing was done completely digital with and Intuos3 tablet - I feel that he lost a bit of his whimsey in the digital translation, though he unintentionally reminds me of Robin Leach - so I'm cool with that. :)
Below I have included the few exploration sketches I did for Walter. I understand that the assignment called for one finished color image - however, reiterating what was discussed in the first video, I feel the most important step in character design are these initial exploration sketches. I, for one, would love to see everyone's exploration drawings (and in-turn, their thought process) as a part of the assignment.