Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Walter Chipwitther

A day late, here's my interpretation of Mr. Chipwitther. Constructive critical comments are welcome!

HUGE thanks to Brian Miller and Jim Stigall for helping me with photoshop and drawing stuffs.

Homework Week #2

Your assignment throughout this course is design a new concept based on Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. They can be from any time period, past, present or future. Create a new take, a new style on the characters.

Are they spacemen, pirates, cowboys? You get the idea.

Keep these initial drawings loose and simple, we'll be adding more detail as the class progresses. Start by creating strong silhouettes that communicate your character's attitude and form.

Creative Drawing Exercise

Draw a caricature of yourself
Recall actions, emotions you had this last week
Draw them
It is okay to be sloppy and quick
Just try to capture a feeling
Don't think too hard
Every morning fill up 3 pages
This will help loosen you up and free up artistic blocks

Whatever it is you feel you struggle with, draw it!

Walter Chipwitther

I imagine Walter is as chipper as he is because he's really a super villain out of a Gigantor cartoon.


I made this drawing with pen on paper and colored pencils.


Here is an early attempt for Assignment #1. It is based on a picture of Winston Churchill.

This is the first time I've tried to draw any characters since I was in high school. My daughter, Mikayla, is who I looked at for the upper-right image. In the middle is where I started with Assignment #1. On the bottom, I saw a couple of people on a carousel while Mikayla and I were at the zoo.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Walter Chipwitther

As will likely be they case with most assignments, I did not feel I had enough time to fully explore Walter's visual characteristics through drawings. This is merely because, like everyone else, these very fun class projects are being done in what little free time we all have. I spent a couple of hours (two semi-long work lunches) doing exploration sketches. I settled on a set of sketches that I felt were getting close, and in the interest of time took them in to Photoshop to complete a color image for the assignment.

The final color drawing was done completely digital with and Intuos3 tablet - I feel that he lost a bit of his whimsey in the digital translation, though he unintentionally reminds me of Robin Leach - so I'm cool with that. :)

Below I have included the few exploration sketches I did for Walter. I understand that the assignment called for one finished color image - however, reiterating what was discussed in the first video, I feel the most important step in character design are these initial exploration sketches. I, for one, would love to see everyone's exploration drawings (and in-turn, their thought process) as a part of the assignment. 

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Dr. Chipwitther

Now With Even More BowTie!
Dr. Chipwitther enjoys walks in the park by le old time clock.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Walter Chipwitther

Walter Chipwitther, wealthy entrepreneur. He's gesturing to Big Ben, but it's obscured by the London fog.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Homework Week #1

Week #1 Homework

You are to design the character Walter Chipwitther based on the description below.

NAME: Walter Chipwitther
WHO: Wealthy entrepreneur
AGE: In his 60's 
WHERE: London, 2011
PERSONALITY: Jolly, full of laughter, enthusiastic man happy to be alive and well.
CLOTHING: Wears a bow tie, smoking jacket and monocle
LOOK: Heavy set, around 5'6", receding hairline

1) Submit one finished colored piece.
2) Upload the finished piece to


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